Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who really has the heart of rock and roll?

Was it Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley,

Today at my local McD's, their usual stodgy ho-hum music was not playing. They had .... gasp!.... 60s and 70s old time rock %26amp; roll !!! I took my time leaving.

Handsome Huey鈥?/a>|||No one person, or group. The "heart" of rock and roll is inside of you, and really can't be described. You had to be lucky enough to "be there," and "feel" it, and live it. And..............if ya got the heart of R%26amp; never goes away.|||The NY oldies station, WCBS-FM calls the "Heart of Rock %26amp; Roll" the first 10 years of rock %26amp; roll (1954-1963). That's from Alan Freed to the British Invasion.

Sirius XM's channel 50s on 5, is actually the "Heart Of Rock %26amp; Roll."

So, all of the groups you mentioned plus allot others from that era are part of the "heart of rock %26amp; roll."

That is all good music.|||Oh, Daisy, I think all of us lucky enough to be young when rock and roll was young, too....have it in our hearts and our souls.

I don't think there is a single one of us who does not brighten up a bit when a great rock and roll tune we grew up dancing to ...reaches our ears. Sometimes I think I love "our" music so much that my foot will start tapping time in my coffin...if someone plays it at my funeral!

The Rolling Stones and other great more modern bands always said that they learned most of what they knew from the bluesmen...and the rock and roll greats....and that it is still in the heart of their music. I agree with them.

But, seems to me that Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis were the ones of your list who knew a thing or three about heavy-duty, throw-down rock %26amp; roll.....also Little Richard who was as over the top as Jerry Lee was.|||On the way to work the other day, the following song came on and I began to formulate a question similar to yours. I think the song embodies rock n roll across the decades and as a result personifies the heart.鈥?/a>

I see Dinah agrees.|||This may sound like blasphemy and as much as I am a fan of Buddy Holly;but to me Fats Domino will have the heart of rock and roll.And don't forget about that disc jockey in Cleveland who ruined the youth of our nation by playing that "race music" Allen Freed.|||To me no one can have the heart of rock and roll, it is shared and we can only love rock and roll. All the ones you named showed part of the story, as well as ones you did not.|||Jerry (Killer) Lee Lewis or Little Richard could get everybody rockin' and rollin'.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Love them all. Rock and roll or no? Jam.鈥?/a>

One more.鈥?/a>

DeeJay.|||There were many that had the heart of rock and roll. I think the Coasters did.

Huey L. and the News Their song was OK, but doesn't qualify as R+R.|||All of the above and many more including Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson, and many more. What a fantastic bunch of musicians.|||There is a local radio station here that plays nothing but rock hits from the 60's, 70's %26amp; 80's and I love it. I love rock 'n roll and lots of other music too.|||There isn't one heart of rock and roll it is all the entertainers from that era. Long live rock and roll, love it!|||Chip Taylor. He has written songs that you sing along to every time you hear them on the radio but yet you have never heard of him.|||Robert Johnson Crossroads.|||Elvis, turned it up a notch, that's for sure.|||All that you mentioned, add Little Richard.|||James Brown and Little Richard. The rest just followed suit.|||All of them and many more.|||Bob Seger|||The heart of rock and roll is in Cleveland|||WE...were the heart of Rock n Roll!|||the heart of rock and roll is still beaten

E all the above|||what is wrong with you people ? i live on the same horrible world as you all do...... im not deaf dumb blind and all three .. i hate cleveland ohio i live in ohio.. i would not wish ohio on my worst enemy...... and the heart is probably GOD everyone goes insane from suffering and death........ you dont know what its like to be us all......... sigh.....i said all .. so many people think its all about them no its all about us ALL.....

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